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Aerial Roots team would like to thank everyone involved directly and indirectly in this project.

A big thank you for the trust and support from Pertti Ketonen together with all  Himmelblau Gallery staff. We thank you for believing in our idea and hosting this alternative exhibition.

Our biggest appreciation goes to Tampere University of Applied Sciences, including all teachers and technical staff who made this project possible. We thank you for your guidance and all your support from the early beginning. Thank you for truly believing in us!

The warmest thank you to all our dear friends and colleagues for assisting in the event's production with their time, skills, and sweet laughter.

We thank you, all, for your openness to listen and believe in Aerial Roots experience!

Aerial Roots exhibition has been hosted by
Himmelblau Gallery.
Located at Finlaysoninkuja 9, Tampere, Finland

Aerial Roots VR takes place in the digital realm until 03.2023
Fill in the feedback form and be part of the next virtual art experience!

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