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The journey to Aerial Roots is also a part of the experience in itself. Here you can see the documentation of setting up the exhibition, from painting walls, mounting the photographs, testing lighting & audio gear, and more!

Aerial Roots exhibition has been hosted by
Himmelblau Gallery.
Located at Finlaysoninkuja 9, Tampere, Finland

Aerial Roots VR takes place in the digital realm until 03.2023
Fill in the feedback form and be part of the next virtual art experience!

Aerial Roots exhibition has been hosted by
Himmelblau Gallery.
Located at Finlaysoninkuja 9, Tampere, Finland

Aerial Roots VR takes place in the digital realm until 03.2023
Fill in the feedback form and be part of the next virtual art experience!


Social Media Feed

Here you can see, read, and hear more about the documentation of this exhibition from social media.

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Aerial Roots exhibition has been hosted by
Himmelblau Gallery.
Located at Finlaysoninkuja 9, Tampere, Finland

Aerial Roots VR takes place in the digital realm until 03.2023
Fill in the feedback form and be part of the next virtual art experience!

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